From Pixels to Pictures:
Understanding the Internal Representations
of Latent Diffusion Models
Karina Chen, Atharva Kulkarni, Ester Tsai, Zelong Wang
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Problem Statement

It is a mystery how an LDM transforms a phrase like "car on the road" into a picture.
Does the LDM memorize superficial correlations between pixel values and words?
Or does it learn an underlying model of objects (e.g. cars, roads) and how they are typically positioned?

The questions our research answers:

  • Does an LDM create an internal 3D representation of the object it portrays?
  • How early in the denoising process do depth, saliency, and shading information develop in the internal representation?
  • At what time step does an image classifier correctly detect the object?


Our research provides evidence that an LDM can learn 3D properties like saliency, depth, and shading/illumination from 2D images. We find that 3D information is encoded as early as step 3 out of 15 of the denoising process. In the future, we can further explore how to modify the LDM's internal representation to reposition the object in the output image.

Performing image classification at each time step, using VGG-16, we find that the model starts to correctly classify the images around step 12 (out of 15). This contradicted our original hypothesis that the model would start to classify the images correctly at the start of the diffusion process.

(Building on previous research by Y. Chen et al.)


Diffusion Model

Image generators like Dall-E, Google's Imagen, Stable Diffusion, and Midjourney use diffusion models to perform formerly manual tasks like image creation, denoising, inpainting, and outpainting.

The diffusion method consists of a forward diffusion process and a reverse process. The goal of the model is to iteratively reverse the diffusion by predicting the Gaussian noise added at each time step.

Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is an open-source diffusion model that generates images from text prompts.
It consists of 2 stages:

  1. Latent Diffusion Model (LDM): The LDM learns to predict and remove noise in the latent space by reversing a forward diffusion process.
  2. Variational Autoencoder (VAE): The VAE converts data between latent and image space.


We use probes to visualize the representation learned by the LDM. A probe is a linear neural network that takes in the internal representation (i.e. intermediate activations) of an LDM and outputs a predicted image showing a certain property, such as depth, saliency, or shading. We quantify the performance of a probe by measuring the Dice Coefficient or Rank Correlation between the prediction and the label images.

Figure 1. Architecture of an LDM (Rombach, Blattmann 2022)


LDM Generated Image Dataset

Our diffusion image dataset consists of 617 images (512 pixels x 512 pixels) generated using Stable Diffusion v1.4. We have a CSV file that contains the prompt index, text prompt, and seed for each image. For example, the image with the prompt index 5246271, the text prompt "ZIGGY - EASY ARMCHAIR", and the seed 64140790 generated this 512 by 512 image.

(top left) 512 x 512 image generated by Stable Diffusion v1.4.
(top right) Salient object detection mask generated by TRACER.
(bottom left) Depth map generated by MiDaS.
(bottom right) Shading and illumination map generated by Intrinsic.

Generate Image Labels With TRACER, MiDaS, and Intrinsic

  • For salient object detection, we apply the salient object tracing model TRACER to generate a mask for each image. The masks are black and white, where white indicates the salient object, or foreground, and black indicates the background.
  • For depth labels, we apply the pre-trained MiDaS model to the diffusion images to estimate their relative inverse depth maps.
  • For shading labels, we apply the pre-trained Intrinsic model to the diffusion images to generate highly accurate intrinsic decompositions and estimate the shading maps.

Internal Representation Methods

Internal representation = the neural network’s self-attention layer’s intermediate activation output.

Probing Workflow

Internal Representation Results

Probing the LDM

Using intermediate activations of noisy input images, linear probes can accurately predict the foreground, depth, and shading. All three properties emerge early in the denoising process (around step 3 out of 15), suggesting that the spatial layout of the generated image is determined at the very beginning of the generative process.

Foreground segmentation Dice coefficient 0.85
Depth estimation Rank Correlation 0.71
Shading estimation Rank Correlation 0.62

diffusion, mask, depth, shading for car image
Intermediate steps for the generated image, probe, and model results

Image Classification Methods

Image Classification Results

Comparing Real and Generated Image Classifications

Generated images: two lemons (98.75%), two oranges (94.8%)
Real images: singular lemon (87.7%), two lemons (99.4%), singular orange (87.0%)

Classifications Throughout the Diffusion Process

VGG-16 could not correctly identify the object until after step 11, which shows that saliency appears much later in the intermediate images. In contrast, saliency and other 3D information appear as early as step 3 out of 15 in an LDM's internal representation. The correct classification has high confidence (> 90%) towards the end of the diffusion process for the majority of generated images. This means that the generated images are fairly good representations of the object prompted.

lemon orange

Future Work

Intervening the LDM

In the paper by Y. Chen et al., they investigate intervening and modifying the internal representations in order to reposition the salient object. This would be an interesting result to replicate, build upon, and also compare to the depth-to-image capability of Stable Diffusion v2.0. It has implications for making image generation even more customizable and realistic, as the generated image can be tailored to users' needs.
They find that the foreground mask has a causal role in image generation. Without changing the prompt, input latent vector, and model weights, the scene layout of generated image can be modified by editing the foreground mask.

Intervening the LDM to produce different outputs (Chen, 2023)

Speeding Up Diffusion

If the bulk of the information is already encoded by very early steps in the denoising process, we can potentially speed up the rest of the steps without sacrificing quality. This brings in enormous cost savings, as training top-of-the line diffusion models like Stable Diffusion can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more.

Augmenting Datasets

When it comes to autonomous vehicles, where safety and accuracy are paramount, the need for diverse and comprehensive datasets is critical. One way to enhance these datasets is by leveraging encoded depth information through diffusion models.
Usually, depth information is captured using a LiDAR sensor or depth cameras. However, collecting such information can be resource intensive, and existing images may not have these pieces of information.
Diffusion models can help here in two ways. Synthetic depth maps that closely resemble real-world scenarios can be generated, and potentially filling in depth information for existing images or images without complete depth maps.

Project Material

Our Deliverables


Our paper with more information.


Our showcase poster for presentation.


Our project code hosted on Github.

Our Team

Meet our Team!


Ester Tsai

UCSD '24, Data Science & Math


Karina Chen

UCSD '24, Data Science & Design


Zelong Wang

UCSD '24, Data Science & Math Econ


Atharva Kulkarni

UCSD '24, Data Science & Economics